Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Sky News

Sky News

DAY 1:  1st September 2014

News Headlines: New CCTV Footage of Plebgate Affair Emerges                               Lorry Driver Jailed for Killing Two Cyclists                               Apple iPhone 6 Could Work as A Mobile Wallet                               Opera Singer Domingo to Close i tunes Festival                               Major Tesco Shareholder Warns on Strategy.

DAY 2:  2nd September 2014News Headlines:  Rotherham Abuse Scandal Twelve New Victims                                How Scottish 'Yes' May impact 'Invisible Border'                                Scottish Referendum: No Vote's Lead Narrows                                Bieber Faces New Assault Charges in Canada                                McGinley to Reveal Ryder Cup Wildcard Picks

DAY 3: 3rd September 2014News Headlines: Russia and Ukraine Agree 'Permanent Ceasefire'                               IS Beheading Militants Threaten Brit Hostage.                               Sotloff Family Grieving After Hostage Killed.                               Nato Summit Ukraine Crisis to Top the Agenda.

Sky is funded by advertisements and subscriptions.


Public funding, TV licence fees.

Begins with worldwide news then moves on to top stories in the country then celebrity gossip.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Demonstration - Film Pitch

'What Have They Done?'

'A group of teenage outcasts uncover a dark secret about their school, a secret that may haunt them forever'


Similar to A Nightmare on Elm Street and The Blair Witch Project (some filming with handheld cameras/video blogs)

The film will appeal to the cinema going age group of 15-25

The story is based around Niomi- A college outcast who has trouble making friends - and a small group of popular people who try to befriend her after tormenting her for the past year. 

Markings are appearing on the walls and students begin to go missing at a college in London. According to teachers and local authorities they were being  'typical college students' . However Niomi begins to find connections between the markings and missing students, A connection that connects everyone at the school to this mystery. She begins documenting her findings and uploading them to YouTube but when bodies of the students start turning up on the campus, she becomes prime suspect. Later, she is approached by a group of  popular students whom have tormented her for the past year, at first she is weary of their advances however, she begins to trust them after a night at the school. Word spreads across the school and The 'popular' kids lose their title. The loss of their title proves too much and their actions become fatal.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Film Trailer and Poster Analysis

The central image of the main cast has synergy with the title of the film. Lerman, Watson and Miller are standing against a wall just like a wallflower.
The central image is also directly addressing the audience which establishes a personal connection with them. This in turn encourages the reader to watch the film.
The Attractive lead role on the right side of the central images makes the audience feel sorry for Charlie (Logan Lerman) as good looking people are generally seen as confident, popular characters not outcasts or wallflowers.

 The title is written typewriter font this has synergy with the book itself as the book was written as if it were letters to someone. This could suggest to the reader that unlike other films, The Perks of Being a Wallflower has stayed true to the book and hasn't changed the storyline therefore it appeals to the people who have already read the book and have enjoyed.Another thing that appeals to the pre-existing audience of this is the tag line, 'we are infinite'. Again, suggesting to the reader that this film will have everything the book had and no unnecessary extras and the use of the connective pronoun 'we' in the tagline makes the audience feel part of the friendship group.

The Trailer Immediately opens with Logan Lerman, playing the main protagonist, this appeals to the audience of the other films such as Percy Jackson as he was also the main actor in that film series.

The Title an release date were placed at the end of the trailer to keep the audiences attention .T hey are seeing something that they do not know about and are most likely wanting to know the name of the film so they can search it up on the internet at a later time.

The music chosen communicates the 'feel' of the film. The song chosen was It's Time by Imagine Dragons and the lyric 'I'm never changing who I am' has synergy with the trailer itself as we can see that Charlie is not trying to change who he is, he is finding people who appreciate his personality, even if he remains a wallflower.

Near the end of the trailer there is some faced paced editing that could suggest that there is even more excitement and drama that we do not know about and we would have to watch the film to find out.

Monday, 10 November 2014

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

I chose The Perks of Being a Wallflower because it is a well know film and book, the book could have influenced how successful the film would be as there would have been a pre-existing audience.

The production company responsible for The Perks of Being a Wallflower is Summit Entertainment and is a subsidiary of Lions Gate Entertainment.

Entertainment One were the distributors for the theatrical release in the UK.

The genre of the Film is Romantic Drama.

Themes of romance are evident in the trailer where Charlie, the main character played by Logan Lerman, is seen admiring Sam, the senior girl played by Emma Watson. Themes of Drama is also seen in the trailer as we see a small development in Charlie as a person like his emotional change. In the beginning he was isolated and not extremely happy then nearer to the end of the trailer he was a lot happier and had friends.

None of the other work was mentioned in the trailer of the film however, Stephen Chbosky is known for other Drama fusions, such as co. writing the film adaptation of the drama musical, Rent.

Release Date: 3rd October 2012 (UK)

 Earliest Trailer on YouTube:

Overall the general reviews of the film were positive.

'This movie is so much more than that - I was truly blown away by the mature themes and moving characters.'

'This is one of the best coming of age movies I've ever seen.'

'The popularity of the novel would typically make the film version a disappointment for its fans. Not so this time. Mr. Chbosky remains true to the spirit despite the need to edit for the sake of continuity and brevity.'

The original budget for the film was $13 million.
The film made $2,150,064 in it's opening weekend and made $34.4 million in total.

Stephen Chbosky had previously directed one other film, The Four Corners of Nowhere. The two films are quite similar as they show a change in the main protagonists life.

The main star of the film is Logan Lerman, despite Emma Watson having more publicity due to her infamous role in the Harry Potter film series. Other films that he has been in are: Noah and Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson is quite similar to The Perks of being a Wallflower as he plays a character who has trouble fitting in but then later finds a group of people to fit in with.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

NCIS: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Children, Animated, Gothic

The narrative is typical of an animated children's film as it is spoken/shown as if it was a book being read to a child therefore it definitely fits with the children genre.

The characters are typical of and animated children theme. The main character has a dream which is the general plot for films of this genre.

There is plenty of iconography typical of a Gothic film, for instance, the film plays with different shades of black and white and sparsely uses colour also, the plot is based on a repressed desire of the protagonist, Jack the skellington king.

Despite the trailer only being less the two minutes ling there are several locations being explored throughout examples being: Castle, forest, towers, fantasy locations , Christmas village, houses decorated in Christmas decorations.

NCIS: The Woman in Black - Angel of Darkness


The storyline shows a group of vulnerable children who have perhaps been evacuated from the inner city areas during one of the world wars. it also shows us a few glimpses of the woman in black.

The characters are typical of a horror film - most being vulnerable and have recently been through a tragic event.

There is plenty of iconography typical of the horror genre: Ghosts, Isolated old buildings. In connection with the narrative, I can confidently say this is a horror film.

 The trailer explores a small selection of locations, the most frequently used one being Eel Marsh House and the area around it.

NCIS: Sucker Punch

Action Fantasy

The narrative shows a group of girls fighting for their freedom and facing many challenges. The dramatic narrative fits the action genre well.

The characters are typical in most aspects of an action fantasy film - the main characters being strong both physically and mentally despite the current situation however the women are not 'Damsels in distress' which is something seen quite frequently in films of this genre.

There is plenty of iconography typical of the action fantasy genre, scenes of unknown/exaggerated landscapes, violence and explosions. These are all typical of the action and fantasy genres.

The two minute trailer consists of many locations such as, the house in which the main character lived in, the 'mental institution' and the fantasy locations from 'babydoll's' mind.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Learner Response For My Magazine

No convinced sky blue has synergy with the word spotlight.
Could be a spotlight or bulb in the letter 'O'
Great central image though.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Time Magazine Key Features & Marketing Devices

 The Title is placed in the top third of the magazine and is written in a serif font, the serif font represents the magazine as sophisticated and redoubtable. This makes the target audience, 20-40 year olds who are in the A and B classes.
 The central image of Benedict Cumberbatch is very minimalistic and as a result allows the reader to focus on the text and the magazine itself, unlike other magazines that have an abundance of gossip and adverts on the cover.
The Colour scheme is again, very simple and consists of red, black and white. Red is an extreme authoritative colours which may be due to the fact that the magazine is aimed at people who have authority over others, such as managers and professionals.

Monday, 22 September 2014

'Minority Report' Shot-By-Shot Analysis

Shot 1: Medium Shot (MS)
The Medium shot allows us to see enough of the scene to establish the group as perhaps and army or law enforcer. We can see the face of several people, foreshadowing that they are to die within the next few shots and/or be involved in the inevitable action scene to come, highlighted in the facial expressions of the man in the foreground.

Shot 2:Wide Shot (WS)

The Wide shot shows us enough of the background to allow us to establish the scene. The camera seems to be placed in a building/garage perhaps to indicate an area in which the main protagonist intends to reach. The scene also seems quite dangerous evident in the burnt out car and the fact the protagonist is running, adding a sense of danger to the scene, 

Shot 3:Medium Close-Up (MCU)

The Medium Close-up shot shows us the facial expressions of 'John Anderton' which may have been unnoticed in a shot further away such as a Long Shot (LS). It shows us that he is slightly unnerved by something we do do know of yet. 

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Summer Research Project Learner Response.

WWW; Katie a sensational effort with the summer research project. Well done. Excellent attention to detail and confidence when discussing what content the broadcasters covered.

EBI: I would like to see a slightly more original suggestion for the running order of events.

LR: Do some research in to the political leanings of different news broadcasters - BBC - sky - etc. Write a post to explain how their political views might influence the news that they broadcast.

Kay Burley on the Scottish Referendum.
Burley's reports of the possible Scottish Referendum might have been influenced by her views on this popular topic. Evidence (Click Here) Shows that she might not have complete faith in the referendum; she may have not been judging the person solely on their looks, perhaps it was the fact that they were 'no' campaigners.

Many News broadcasters may also create bias interviews. When interviewing People, for example: MP's or Campaign leaders. They may ask some more questions about the pros towards the topic rather than the cons. therefore people will hear more about the positives which may in turn change the minds of the opposition or those whom were undecided.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Photoshop Fruit Bowl Task

To create this, I used the 'magic wand' tool to select the area with the sunset picture, I then went to 'Paste Special' and 'Paste Into' and resized the picture to fit the entire area. I chose the colours used on the bowl and fruit by using the 'eye dropper tool' to select some colours from the photo and had also manually selected them in the Photoshop palette. Finally I filled in the shapes using the 'magic wand tool' and 'paint bucket'.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Pastel Colour Palette

Our task was to create a colour palette using one of several themes including: autumn, vibrant and pastel. I chose pastel as I really like this theme and how versatile it can be.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Media Analysis #2

The Linkin Park 'The Hunting Party Tour' poster, is a very simplistic poster, most likely to only attract the fans of the band; the picture is the same as their most recent album, and perhaps the fans of their opening band, Of Mice & Men. This poster is more suitable for 18's and over as they will be the ones who buy the tickets and is evident in the lack of information within the actual poster because they will probably know where they can find more information about the tour including where they can buy the tickets. 

Media Analysis #1

The Walking Dead Season 5 Promo Poster (Main Media Analysis)


The Institution (AMC) have used minimal words within several of their season 5 posters including my main media analysis (above) to Allow the audience to think of some possible story lines which creates a more interactive relationship between the audience and creators of the show.

Most of the sentences are extremely vague such as 'Hunt or be Hunted' which is relevant to the the actual show since there are many unknown circumstances, others include (see Pictures below)

AMC's use of simple sentences and questions all entice the specifically target audience to watch not only the upcoming season but the previous seasons too as it is linked to the cliffhanger ending of Season 4 with many unresolved situations.One examples is, we don't know who has survived or how the others are going to escape Terminus.

When we see 'Hunt or be Hunted' we think of possible deaths of beloved characters and/or plot twists, there is also a rife sense of danger  which may be stronger within this season, overall the minimal language used in the main poster subtly reveals a sense of excitement as it subtly reveals what possible action is yet to come.

The Picture is very secretive so we don't know what is happening, for instance it looks like someone or something is looking at Rick but we don't know anything except that he looks scared and has perhaps run away from some Walkers or the people at Terminus.


The institution responsible for producing these advertisements is AMC who have created other extremely successful shows such as Breaking Bad. The posters could also represent the rivalry between fellow Cable Channels, and perhaps even signify the fact that they are slowly creeping up behind other Channels especially in views and show ratings.

The audience will most likely be 16+,  (presumably due to the amount of violence and gore), however it is aimed at both genders.

Due to a white male being the main part of the poster, it may cause the audience to have an increased number of white males. However, this is not the case for all posters as there are several others where there are people for several different races.